Friends 2030, Navàs mobility 14th-18th March '23
Dear teacher,
we hope you enjoyed and learnt a lot during the stay in Navàs. Your opinion is very important for us to improve the future Erasmus+ projects. Thank you for answering this survey.
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1. Were the activities and the workshops useful to cooperate and improve the  friendship among the European partners? *
2. Were the activities, workshops, excursions, meals, events well structured and organized? *
Any suggestions?
3. Time management. Were the tasks/actions’ time-distribution effective and well-balanced? *
Any suggestions?
4.The welcome *
5.Treasure hunt around Navàs (only Italy)
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6. Workshops 1&2: photography expert-taking photos
7. Workshop 3: Pioneer women with Makey Makey boxes
8. Workshop 4: Mosaics , Gaudí style 
9. Cultural visit in Barcelona: CRAM, Sagrada família and Montserrat
10. Workshop 5: Discovering Ametlla de Merola textile colony
11. Solidarity walk with hot chocolate
12. Free time: swimming pool and games at EDN school with vocational students and teachers
13. Cultural dinner and performances
14.The meals at Sant Josep school
15.The rooms and facilities at EDN school
16.. During the week in Navàs students ... *
17. What did you like least? *
18. What did you like the most? *
19. Give a score to the whole week of Friends 2030 in Navàs *
20. Any suggestions to improve future hosting weeks?
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