MAPEH6 Q1 W1 (Pre-Test)
FULL NAME (Ex. Alma M. Balondon) *
SECTION (Please Check) *
1.  Choose the name of the musical symbol below. *
1 point
Captionless Image
2.  Choose the name of the musical symbol below. *
1 point
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3.  Choose the name of the musical symbol below. *
1 point
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4.  Choose the name of the musical symbol below. *
1 point
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5.  Choose the name of the musical symbol below. *
1 point
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6.  Choose the name of the musical symbol below. *
1 point
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7.  Choose the name of the musical symbol below. *
1 point
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8.  Choose the name of the musical symbol below. *
1 point
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9.  Choose the name of the musical symbol below. *
1 point
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10.  Choose the name of the musical symbol below. *
1 point
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11.  Choose the time value or number of beats of the musical symbol below. *
1 point
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12.  Choose the time value or number of beats of the musical symbol below. *
1 point
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13.  Choose the time value or number of beats of the musical symbol below. *
1 point
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14.  Choose the time value or number of beats of the musical symbol below. *
1 point
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15.  Choose the time value or number of beats of the musical symbol below. *
1 point
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16.  Choose the time value or number of beats of the musical symbol below. *
1 point
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17.  Choose the time value or number of beats of the musical symbol below. *
1 point
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18.  Choose the time value or number of beats of the musical symbol below. *
1 point
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19.  Choose the time value or number of beats of the musical symbol below. *
1 point
Captionless Image
20.  Choose the time value or number of beats of the musical symbol below. *
1 point
Captionless Image
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