Thank you for your interest in attending this Horse Sense North event. 

We will be in touch within 48 hours to confirm your registration and arrange payment. 

Your privacy will be respected. All information provided will be kept confidential. 
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Email *
Your name: *
What pronouns you would like us to use for you?
Leave blank if you'd prefer not to say.
Phone number: *
Date of Birth: *
Address: *
Do you have any food restrictions or allergies? If so, what are they? *
Do you have any experience with horses? 
(none is required)
Do you have any concerns about working with horses? If so, what are they? *
Do you have any physical challenges we should be aware of to make you experience more comfortable? *
Name of your emergency contact person: *
Number of your emergency contact person: *
Relationship to emergency contact person: *
How did you learn about this workshop? *
Would you like to be added to our mailing list to learn about future Horse Sense North events? *
My biggest hope for this workshop is: *
Anything else you would like us to know? *
Once your form is submitted, we will be in touch within 48 hours to confirm your registration and arrange payment. Thank you!
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