Taiyari Jeet Ki Episode-10
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English VVI MCQS | By Amar Sir
1. “The life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination *
1 point
2. “This work, as I see it, has two aspects.”
1 point
3. “The editorial policy of a popular daily is controlled by two factors.
1 point
4. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise and live out the true meaning of its creed
1 point
5. But I shall be told that it is neither number nor multiplicity of pleasures that make the glory of man
1 point
6. This means that the cheap daily paper which goes everywhere, has most influence.
1 point
7. In no part of the world and under no civilization, have all men attained perfection
1 point
8. And as we walk, we make the pledge that we shall always march ahead
1 point
9. And suddenly the land was for sale; their land, their earth, which was all they had
1 point
10. Mother was waiting on the doorstep, her face wreathed in smiles.
1 point
11. I must confess that I am over whelmed by the trust my people have paced in me by electiong me to the highest office in the land
1 point
12. Civilization is that mode of conduct which points out to man the path of duty
1 point
13. The ways of managing childbirth in traditional societies are many and varied *
1 point
14. When we speak of “freedom of the press” , we usually mean freedom in a very technical and restricted sense
1 point
15. The very word colour remind me of the variety of hue that Indian life, as various as our American human race
1 point
16. At mother’s insistence, I had taken two days’ leave from the office, and in the afternoon, I drove Nanukaka to the North Block
1 point
17. India has always been part of the background of my life, but I had never seen it whole and for myself until now
1 point
18. That without a free Press there can be no free people is a thing that all free people take for granted
1 point
19. I don’t know, he must have twisted his leg, or else some other dog bit him
1 point
20. What did I go to India to see? Not the Taj Mahal although I did see it and by moonlight
1 point
21. Justice was tolerably fair, The ordinary rule was to avoid courts.
1 point
22. The fact of the matter is, I have come to ask for your daughter Natalia’s hand in marriage.
1 point
23. Speeches may be made, of course, but they will not reach the wider public, for they will not be reported in full.
1 point
24. Even more important than the domestication of animals was the invention of agriculture, which, however, introduced blood-thirsty practices into religion that lasted for many centuries.
1 point
25. I have full faith in my people that they will bring forth the energy requisite for the satisfactory performance of this dual task.
1 point
26. Benjy needed a woman to help with the hens, and soon he was saying that he and Florence would be married *
1 point
27. The process of its constant renewal is, indeed, the process of growth of national culture and national character.
1 point
28. All this time they themselves had struggled hard and almost vainly with the earth.
1 point
29. It turned out that the Minister and Lala Sohanlal, once the best of friends, were now at daggers dawn.
1 point
30. Speeches may be made, of course, but they will not reach the wider public, for they will not be reported in full.
1 point
31. He knew nothing about the stock market, But he knew everything about a hen. *
1 point
32. Seibei is now engrossed in his pictures. He no longer feels only bitterness towards the teacher. *
1 point
33. The common people lived independently and followed their agricultural occupation. *
1 point
34. You two'd better hurry up and get married....just do me a favour and leave me a peace. *
1 point
35. You are an idiot ! he shouted. There is absolutely no future for a boy like you" *
1 point
36. It is obvious that we know more than animals do, and it is common to consider this, one of our advantages. *
1 point
37. This dual effort will give to the life of our state a special flavour. *
1 point
38. In many societies women still go forth their mother's house at marriage to live with a mother-in-law and the wives of their husband's brothers. *
1 point
39. "Fancy a lad spending his time playing around like that with gourds ! said his father giving Seibei a disguted look. *
1 point
40. A handsome devil like you ? How could she possibly resist ? She is madly in love with you, don't worry, madly, and so on.... *
1 point
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