PPBSO Ottawa Branch Teacher Database
Are you a piping and/or drumming instructor in Eastern Ontario or Western Quebec? If so, you might consider providing your contact information for our Teacher Database.

Please note that the information that you provide will be displayed publicly on the internet. This is for information purposes only. Individual fees and arrangements are subject to instructor/student agreement.
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Email *
First name *
Last name *
Location *
Select the county, city, or region that best describes your location. Located somewhere not listed? If so, let us know.
Provide in-person and/or online lessons? *
Discipline(s) *
Select all that apply
Difficulty levels taught
Select all that apply. Beginner = up to PPBSO Grade 5-4, Intermediate = PPBSO Grades 4-3, Advanced = PPBSO Grades 2-1+
Band affiliation (if applicable)
Brief overview of piping or drumming career
You may wish to provide a brief history of your playing and teaching. Limit is 250 words.
Years of playing experience
Years of teaching experience
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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