認識英國議會及司法制度 Understanding UK Parliamentary and Judicial System
The Islington Chinse Association is delivering a programme of impartial, non party political activity supported by the Greater London Authority Hong Kong Community fund. This series of activities includes talks and tours that aim to enable Hongkongers to understand the British parliamentary system and judicial system and how they help society to operate, so as to better integrate into the local society.

1. 英國議會制度講座 UK Parliamentary System Talk
Explain the respective powers, functions, operating procedures and election methods, etc. of different components in the two-level system (Central government and local authorities). 

講者Speaker:吳呂南博士 Dr. Stephen Ng MBE
Trustee on the committee of the Islington Chinese Association. Graduated from the University of Hong Kong, majoring in Chinese. Dr. Ng has been serving the Chinese community in Islington, London since 1990s. He was awarded the London Champions for Voluntary Service in 2005. 

日期 Date:13 / 11 / 2023(一 Mon)
時間 Time:2:00pm - 3:30pm
地點 Venue:依士靈頓華人協會低座大堂ICA Lower Hall(21 Hatchard Road, N19 4NG, London)
語言 Language:廣東話 Cantonese
名額 Quota:50 (BNO Visa及會員優先 Priority to BNO Visa and ICA Members)
費用 Fee:免費Free of charge 

2. 國會導賞行 Parliament Guided Tour
日期 Date:20 / 11 / 2023(一 Mon)
時間 Time:9:00am -12:00am 
地點 Venue:UK  Parliament(SW1A 0AA)
語言 Language:英語 English
名額 Quota:20 (曾參加「英國議會制度講座」優先 Priority to participants who attend  "UK Parliamentary System Seminar"
費用 Fee:£2 (13 /11或之前預付以確認 Pay on or before 13/11 to confirm the place)

3. 英國司法制度講座 UK Judicial System Talk
In this talk, we will briefly discuss the Legal System in England and Wales and specifically, 

a. 英國司法制度的起源及變遷,包括普通法的沿革,也簡介行政、立法及司法三權是否分立;How the How the English Legal System began and evolved, including how common law has developed; is there separation of power amongst the executive, the legislature and the judiciary;

b. 英格蘭及威爾斯現時的司法制度,並以香港司法制度作為參考;介紹各級刑事及民事法庭;The working of the Judicial System in England and Wales at present, with reference to the same in Hong Kong, and an introduction to the different tiers of the Criminal and Civil Courts in England and Wales; and 

c. 英國最高法院的成立及其權限,並以脫歐法庭案為例 The establishment of the Supreme Court in the UK and its jurisdiction, with the Brexit court cases as illustration. 

講者Speaker:鄧偉棕先生 Mr. Herman Tang
Graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, majoring in sociology. Worked at a news company, HK Government as Administrative Officer and later became a lawyer in HK. Mr Tang mainly dealt with property sales and civil and criminal litigation in Hong Kong. He also participated in many cases such as the Umbrella Movement case and prisoners' voting rights.
日期 Date:12 / 12 / 2023 (二 Tue)
時間 Time:11:00am - 12:15pm
地點 Venue:依士靈頓華人協會低座大堂ICA Lower Hall(21 Hatchard Road, N19 4NG, London)
語言 Language:廣東話 Cantonese
名額 Quota:50 (BNO Visa及會員優先 Priority to BNO Visa and ICA Members)
費用 Fee:免費Free of charge 

4. 最高法院導賞行 Supreme Court Guided Tour
日期 Date:19 / 12 / 2023(二 Tue)
時間 Time:1:30pm - 4:00pm 
地點 Venue:The Supreme Court, Parliament Square, SW1P 3BD
語言 Language:英語 English
名額 Quota:20 (曾參加「英國司法制度講座」優先Priority to participants who attend  "UK Judicial System Seminar" )
費用 Fee:£10 (12 /12或之前預付以確認 Pay on or before 12/12 to confirm the place)

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