2020-2021 Lunch during Remote Instruction
A free 'grab and go' lunch will be offered to all students pending the return of their 2020-2021 lunch application. By filling out and signing this form, you agree that you have read the information provided regarding lunch and understand and agree to all terms.
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I understand that by declining lunch for my daughter now, Saint Vincent Academy will not be responsible to provide a "grab and go" lunch for her during the time of remote instruction.
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I am requesting a "grab and go"lunch for my daughter. I understand that this lunch must be picked up every day at SVA between 12:00-1:00. I understand that this lunch is offered for free until a decision on my application for this year is determined, at which time there may be a fee for lunch.
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Name and grade of the student *
Name of parent (typing your name will be your signature) *
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