 One-on-one Consultation Application Form for the Second Semester
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新學年Fulbright EMI Office 將於每週提供校內教職員課程諮詢及討論服務,申請者將與學術交流基金會英語教學顧問一對一討論課程, 以50分鐘為單位,每人每日限預約一次,以提交報名表順序為主,額滿為止喔!





4. 課堂中使用中文的時機和比例

報名成功者將收到確認email,如有任何問題,歡迎來信:schan@fse.fulbright.org.tw 詹小姐Sonia

p.s 諮詢剛開始會有工作人員簡短側錄3-5分鐘以及照相,為雙語中心紀錄和內部使用,謝謝!

The Fulbright EMI Office provides weekly appointment-based consultations for all NTUT professors and faculty seeking advice on EMI. Each appointment is one-on-one for 50 minutes. You can reserve a consultation session to discuss any of the following:

1. How to develop and/or enhance EMI teaching in your courses.  

2. How to increase student motivation, participation, and opportunities to speak in English in class.

3. How to differentiate or simplify the language used so students can understand the content.

4. When to use Chinese (the appropriate time and portion of Chinese usage).

p.s. There will be 3-5 short video recording and photo taking at the beginning of the consultation for internal use. Thank you!
中/英文姓名 Chinese/ English Name *
任職科系學院 Department *
聯絡電話  phone number *
電子信箱 e-mail address *
想預約的時間(以下擇一時段)service sessions *
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