Coaching Sessions on Meal Planning Info Form
I'm so glad you're interested in getting some coaching in planning healthy, easy meals for your family on a budget!  This form will give me an idea of your goals and what I can help you with.  Don't stress about any of the questions- we can always modify or clarify!
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Adresse e-mail *
Your Name *
Tell me more about your goals for these coaching sessions. *
Rate which of these factors are most important to you.
Most important
Pretty important
Eh, could go either way
Not very important
Don't really care/need this
Learning to create a meal plan
Becoming more efficient at planning out the meals
Better nutrition/healthier meals
Strategies to make meal prepping/getting food on the table easier
Learning how to meal plan/prep with my family's unique set up
Lowering my food bill
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What is your "Why"? *
In as much detail as you can, tell me why you want to improve in the area of meal planning!
How motivated are you feeling about this process? *
Don't really want to do this but I probably should
I'm so excited I can hardly stand it!
Complete this sentence: "I feel successful when...." *
For example: Checking off a list. When others recognize my hard work. When a problem gets fixed. Etc.
Complete this sentence: "I feel like I've failed when...." *
For example: I feel like I got nothing done.  No one says thank you.  I didn't do what I said I would do.  Etc.
Name some "little" things you really like to do! *
For example: a nice cup of coffee, being outside, certain smells, a bath, a clean kitchen, etc.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you place your cooking skills? *
I may be able to boil water
I'm a pro chef, dude
On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your current meal PLANNING skills (creating the plan for what food you'll have)? *
I don't plan
I'm a meal planning ninja
On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your current grocery shopping/food acquisition skills? *
I feel lost in the grocery store
I'm very comfortable shopping for groceries
On a scale of 1 to 10, how do you feel about how much you spend on food currently? *
We spend waaaaaaaay too much
I do a victory dance when I see my grocery reciept
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