Two Crows Market Book 2024
Thank you for your interest in advertising with Two Crows in print (B&W) and online (full color). Two Crows relies on community support to expand its initiatives and marketing reach. All ads run until December 31st of each year with a quarterly opportunity to update ads at no additional cost. This does not include design services which are available on request. Please fill out the form below and the owner, Ana Maria Selvaggio aka Renmeleon, will be in touch to place your ad.
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E-mailadres *
Please reply with the name of the person who referred you or the code from the sales sheet you received so that they can get credit. If you found us on your own, please reply n/a.
Contact *
Business Name / DBA *
Business Mailing Address (US Postal Service) *
Business Email *
What size ad for the year? You will have one opportunity per quarter to swap it out for an updated ad. 2024 ad holders will receive discounts for 2025 when pricing goes up. *
Can you provide an ad or do you need an ad designed? Ad design is available at an additional cost of $75 for design services through Renmeleon. *
Please make sure to complete the Google captcha and hit submit. Thank you for your interest. You will hear from us soon!
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