Upper St Clair Masking Petition
Those who submit their name to this petition represent the parents, residents, and healthcare providers of Upper St Clair who support:

Maintaining the Health and Safety Plan adopted by Upper St Clair School District on August 18, 2021 which includes, but not limited to,

- universal masking for all students, staff, volunteers, and visitors indoors in all district K-12 schools and

- the district following all quarantine and contact tracing requirements as directed by the ACHD/DOH.

We request the district follow all the recommendations and guidelines of the CDC, PDE, and AAP.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Address (please only sign if resident of Upper St Clair) *
Please check all that apply. *
Please include all additional family members to add to the petition or, preferably, forward the petition directly to those that wish to sign.
Email address *
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