LCS Tutoring 2023-2024
We are currently in search of excited and dedicated Tufts students to help tutor local students in the Medford/Somerville area. The ages of the students you may tutor range from grade school up through high school. As a tutor, you should be willing to dedicate an hour of your week every week to the student, as well as be able to maintain a healthy relationship with their family. We expect you to remain accountable throughout the semester, as the guardians of the students are putting their trust in your hands. Should you have any concerns or issues with scheduling, we expect that you be able to communicate effectively with the family of the student as well as the LCS tutoring team. We are here to help! We hope to make this semester run as smoothly as possible, and are more than happy to assist should any issues arise. This program is incredibly important to the community as a whole, and we believe it is important that Tufts maintain a personal connection to those around us.
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
First Name *
Last Name
Pronouns *
Year of Graduation *
Email *
Phone Number *
Student ID Number
***Massachusetts mandates CORI checks for those that provide direct services to children, the elderly, or other vulnerable population. Before being able to tutor you will need to fill out the form which will be sent to your email through the Sterling company in the next week (may appear in your spam)*** 
Were you paired with a tutee last semester? *
If you're continuing with a student(s) from last semester, please name them here. *
Please include both first and last name if you know them.
Tutoring Subjects *
What grade levels are you comfortable working with?
As of Fall 2022, we will once again be offering students the option of in-person or virtual tutoring. Are you comfortable with virtual, in-person, or both? 
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What are you majoring in (if declared)? *
How many students do you want to tutor?
You would still be tutoring each student individually, and we will only pair you with a second (or third) if we have assigned everyone a first student to tutor.
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Anything else we should know (ex. preferences, challenges, etc.)?
Are you proficient in any languages other than English? Please them list below.
Do you feel comfortable working with students with special needs (including but not limited to learning disabilities, ADD/ADHD, Autism, etc)? We will provide resources to assist while tutoring. *
Which virtual platforms are you comfortable using to tutor, if applicable? *
Tufts Tutoring Code of Conduct
Please electronically sign to confirm you read and understand the guidelines (note an electronic signature has the same legal weight as a physical one)
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