xNomad Partnership Application Form
NFT x AI = Community x Infinite Utility = More than Everything.
Email *
Project Name *
What is the name of your project or organization?
Contact *
Who should we reach out to, how should we reach out to them and where should we do it? (e.g. John Doe, Telegram, @johndoe)
Project Type *
Project Details *
What's your project? What audience you're targeting? What's your unique features?
Project Stage *
Background *
What's your background, experience in Web3/Web2?
What kind of support do you request? *
Support Request Details *

Please provide a detailed explanation of the support you need, including the timeline.

Timeline *
What's the milestones? When will your project launch? 
What value you can bring to xNomad? *

We will prioritize supporting projects that add value to the xNomad ecosystem, such as airdrops, WL spots, and token allocations for the xNomad community and NFT holders.

Do you have a token plan?

Anything else you'd like to share with us.
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