Application for Deputy Kingdom Earl Marshal of Fencing. 
Please fill in this form, and send your SCA Resume/CV to and
Mailadresse *
Legal Name *
SCA Name *
Phone Number *
Region of Residence?
Ryd markering
How long have you been a warranted Fencing Marshal in the Middle Kingdom? *
What offices have you held, in fencing or otherwise, within the Middle Kingdom? *
i.e. Baronial marshal, group seneschal, etc.
What do you feel are the most pressing needs of the Middle Kingdom fencing community right now? *
Why do you feel you would be an excellent candidate for the office of DKEM of Fencing? *
Are you willing and able to attend Pennsic War and shadow the current KRM from 8/3/2024 to 8/9/2024? *
Are you willing and able to attend Pennsic War for both weeks and assume the duties of Rapier 1 in 2025? *
En kopi af dine svar sendes som mail til den mailadresse, du har angivet.
Ryd formular
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