WECode 2023 Attendees Housing Request Form
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We compiled a spreadsheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1g1yokV9CH7GvOOomQItMc9QKTy0o3x8lytDS-JuJeIg/edit?usp=sharing) of alternative options, including hotels and airbnbs near the location of the conference. They are organized by price for both nights - Friday, 2/17 and Saturday 2/18. To help split the cost of the rooms, the board created a slack channel called #housing-coordination-2023 in the WECode Family group (https://join.slack.com/t/wecodefamily/shared_invite/zt-1mzaghp9j-w4fgur~3iyE1RJrl9Qstlg) to connect with potential roommates. Please reach out to wecodelogistics@gmail.com if you have any questions or concerns and thank you for understanding.
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