2024 TiBIA Digital Health Symposium

Join us at HealthTech Access: a pivotal event designed to unlock the vast potential of the US market for HealthTech innovators. This unique gathering is your gateway to understanding the intricacies of the US healthcare system, with a special emphasis on navigating market access and strategies for successful expansion. Our objective is clear: to collect crucial insights into strategies, diving deep into the DHS / HealthTech market to identify key needs and opportunities. By networking with leading US experts and connecting with qualified US partners, we aim to bridge Taiwanese DHS/HealthTech companies with unparalleled growth possibilities. Don't miss this chance to shape the future of HealthTech and expand your horizons in the US market.

Speaker List:
Tim Ackerman, Doctor of Pharmacy, M.B.A. Healthcare Intelligence & Analytics Consulting Cofounder
Cynthia Hu, M.B.A. TiBIA DHS Lead, former Novartis Global Digital Health Solutions Director

Date: Tuesday, March 19, 2024 from 10:00 am ~ 11:30 am PDT
10:00 ~ 10:15 Reception
10:15 ~ 10:45 US HealthTech Market Overview
10:15 ~ 11:15 Partnership in a B2B model
11:15 ~ 11:30 Networking

Location: 5201 Great America Pkwy 2nd Floor Conference Room, Santa Clara, CA 95054 (map)

About TiBIA (Taiwan Biomedical Innovation Association) 

TiBIA (Taiwan Biomedical Innovative Association) is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to provide up-to-date biomedical information, foster educational partnerships with universities in both Taiwan and the U.S, offer mentorships from senior industry professionals, and provide networking opportunities during events. We aim to create a collaborative ecosystem that propels biomedical sciences forward, nurturing future leaders and driving transformative advancements in scientific discovery.

Our website: https://tibia.org.tw/

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