112 學年度國立臺灣大學化學系 【 顏氏論文獎】 申請報名【6/21(五)截止】 NTU Chemistry Department Graduation Awards - Yen’s Thesis Award
Registration will be open from 9:00 AM on May 1 until 11:55 PM on June 21.
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
步驟一: 先完成此表單報名
步驟二: 系辦確認報名資訊後,會寄【NTU COOL課程邀請】信至你填寫的Email,屆時即可開始上傳資料,故請務必填寫正確電郵信箱
STEP 1: Complete this application form
STEP 2: After confirming the application, you will receive an email send from NTU COOL to activate your account, then you can start uploading the documents. Be sure to write the email that can reach out to you.
Effacer la sélection
姓名 Name *
學校信箱 Email 1 (NTU account)
常用信箱 Email 2 (e.g. gmail account)
備援電子郵件以利聯繫(alternate email address)
Effacer le formulaire
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