Awana- Registration 2024-2025
Please fill out one form PER CHILD attending.
Wednesday's at 6pm
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Email *
Child’s First and Last Name *
Parent/Guardian FULL Name *
Address *
Phone Number *
Child's Date of Birth * *
Last grade child completed in school *
Medical Info- Please list any allergies including food or other medical information we need to know.
Enter "none" if there are no concerns to share.
Emergency Name and Phone Contact (other than listed above) *
Dismissal Information- Who may pick up your child at the end of Awana? *
Has your child attended Awana Before? (When and Where)
Does your child attend Sunday School? If so, where?
May we have permission to use pictures that include your child, to share about our Awana to our Church Family? (a few of our photos will be used in a church video, on social media, or on our church website) *
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This form was created inside of First Congregational Church of Halifax.

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