r/ICSE Survey Form
As we are about to hit 10,000 members, we would like to do small survey/feedback of our community. Please help us out by filling this form.
Email *
What is your Reddit username? *
What grade were you in? (2023-24) *
Are you from ICSE or ISC? (Session 2023-24) *
If not from ICSE or ISC then specify your board.
ICSE 10th Grade students who just gave their board exams, are you going into ISC or CBSE?
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What is your gender? *
Which state/UT do you belong to?
If not from India, then select others.
If you belong from another country, then specify below. *
How did you hear about r/ICSE? *
How often do you visit r/ICSE? *
What type of content do you generally enjoy here? *
Are there any specific topics or subjects related to ICSE that you would like to see more of on the subreddit?
How satisfied are you with the current moderation of r/ICSE?
Very dissatisfied
Very satisfied
If dissatisfied, then what are the reasons? (Be specific)
Do you have any other suggestions for improving the subreddit or any feedback for the moderators?
Would you be interested in participating in future community events or contests on r/ICSE?
What other subreddits or online communities related to education are you a part of?
Any other comments or suggestions?
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