AAN Individual Membership Application
Thanks for your interest in becoming an individual member of the Association of Alternative Newsmedia. Submissions are accepted throughout the year and reviewed by our Membership Committee on a rolling basis. 

Individuals with a professional or personal interest in AAN members and the principles set forth in our bylaws—including, but not limited to, people who formerly were involved with an AAN member publication—are eligible to apply. 

Individual memberships are generally not available to vendors or individuals seeking to sell products or services to AAN member publications.

An Individual member shall be entitled to attend conventions, annual and special membership meetings, serve on committees, serve on the Board of Directors, and have access to the e-mail listserv.

Please note that Individual Member dues are currently $150.

If you have any questions please write Association Manager Todd Stauffer.

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Adreça electrònica *
Your Name *
Phone Number *
Mailing Address *
Why would you like to be an Individual Member of AAN? *
List AAN Publications with which you have worked or been affiliated. (Type n/a if none.) *
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