What common sense leadership principles are most important to you?
Please rate the following 10 statements based on how important they are to you, from 1 (Least important) to 5 (Most important).
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Prioritize economic advancement: Americans want to build better lives for themselves and their families. First and foremost, common sense leaders help them do that.
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Focus on the everyday American: America’s elites are doing just fine. Common sense leaders focus on the challenges, aspirations, and experiences of the rest of the country.
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Invest in healthy communities: crime, addiction, and loneliness affect too many Americans. Common sense leaders invest in our police, social services, and the community connections that bring out the best in us.
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Defend personal freedom: individual liberty is part of America's DNA. Common sense leaders preserve the right to love who you love, to make personal health choices, and to speak your mind freely.
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Ensure a fair system: freedom is threatened when the system is fundamentally unfair. Common sense leaders fight the monopolistic businesses, healthcare cost escalation, gerrymandering, and other broken systems that prevent Americans from being truly free.
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Reject resentment politics: the vast majority of our fellow Americans lead kind and honest lives. Common sense leaders remind us of our common values and push back on the tempting playbook of victimhood and demonization.
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Choose progress over perfection: tangible wins are hard to come by. Common sense leaders are pragmatic, action-oriented, and willing to compromise when it moves things forward.
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Build up rather than tear down: America's institutions are some of the most just and effective in the world. Common sense leaders make these institutions even better, rather than undermine them.
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Promote responsibility: America cannot thrive without a culture of responsibility. Common sense leaders encourage responsibility to oneself, to community, and to country.
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Abide by principle, not personal interest: America is a nation of high ideals. Common sense leaders follow this example by choosing good citizenship over cynicism or self-interest.
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We'd love your feedback: what else would you like to see on this list? Do you have any other comments or feedback?
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