SQUIRE RABBITS - Sales Inquiry
Thank you for your interest in Squire Rabbits and for completing the following inquiry form. This data helps us to understand exactly what you are looking for so that we can get your new rabbits to you as soon as possible!

Squire Rabbits is a small rabbitry in San Luis Obispo, California. We raise Silver Fox rabbits, which are one of the first rabbits of American origin. They are known for their thick and beautiful pelts, gentle demeanor, and larger size. We chose this breed because they make excellent pelt, meat or companion animals and also to help conserve them. The Silver Fox breed has suffered from dwindling numbers and are only recently beginning to recover.

Our breeding program is year-round, and although rabbits have the ability to breed 6-10 times a year, we limit our breeding to 3-4 times per year. We breed to maintain the highest breed standards and to produce quality meat, pelts and companions. Kits are sold at 8 weeks and are $100 each with an additional $25 for the pedigree document.

Let us know what you are looking for below! We will be able to fill your request, likely within 3 months.
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LAST Name *
FIRST Name *
SILVER FOX - Please indicate below the gender and quantity of Silver Fox Rabbits requested. (Example - 1 Buck, 2 Does) *
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RELATIONSHIP(S) - Often buyers want unrelated animals. We can usually accommodate this request. Keep in mind that breeding 1/2 siblings is a common and often encouraged practice in order to strengthen the positive attributes of a line. Please research and decide on your preferred breeding practices. Then indicate below if you have relationship requirements for the animals you wish to purchase.
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PEDIGREE - A pedigree is an easy-to-read chart that depicts the biological relationships between a rabbit and 4 generations of its ancestry. It can be used to prove that an animal is pure-bred. Though all of our rabbits are pure-bred, having the pedigree document is optional. Animals purchased with pedigree come with their pedigree documentation and are tattooed unless specified otherwise. *
PEDIGREE TATTOO - As a matter of practice, we tattoo rabbits SOLD WITH PEDIGREE. Please indicate below if you DO NOT want the tattoo(s).
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TIMEFRAME - What is your timeframe for purchasing rabbits *
COMMENTS - Is there anything else you'd like us to know.
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