It's You, Not Them Podcast Guest Interest Form
Have you experienced a noteworthy journey to mental health and emotional wellness? Are you interested in sharing your experiences and insights with others? Are you a mental health or spiritual professional who would like to share their work with others? 

Please fill out the form below and I will be in touch with you if it seems like you would be a good fit for my audience. I will schedule a discovery call with you prior to the actual interview so we can get to know each other better / iron out the topics we will discuss. Thank you so much for your interest in the podcast! 

Please note: It's You, Not Them has a strict no-promotion policy. You can discuss the work that you do within the parameters of the topics we cover. I will include links to your website and social media sites in the show notes if you would like our listeners to contact you! 

You can learn more about our host, Cherelle Palmer, here:
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
The above named Guest does hereby consent to the recording and distribution of reproduction(s) of the Guest's voice, video, and performance as part of the media program entitled "It's You, Not Them (herein referred to as the "Program"): *
Why would you like to be a guest on "It's You, Not Them"?
What are your main topic(s) for discussion?
Individuals: Did you have a "breaking point" where you knew things had to change?
Individuals: What are some of the things you learned during your mental health / wellness journey?
Professionals: What type of work do you do / how do you help your clients attain mental / emotional wellness?
Any questions for our host Cherelle Palmer?
Any topics / questions you do NOT want to cover?
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