BURN_SLOW: Participant Application Form
Burn_Slow: Nordic-Baltic Sound and Radio Art for Mental Well-being is an international audio art project which unites sound artists and art students from Nordic-Baltic region exploring mental ecology in times of crisis and social seclusion, via online lectures, skill-sharing, discussion and innovative networked audio performances.

Invited artists during the course of 2 days will share their artistic practice, methodologies, skills in the context of challenges of today:
Maija Demitere (LV) – on slow media art and issues of sustainability (lecture)
Krista Dintere (LV) – on time and listening methods in sound art for slowing down (lecture)
Ieva Vīksne (LV) – on dealing with depression by realtime mental activity driven audio meditation (lecture)
Jacob Remin (DK) – on sound meditation and loss of control and algorithmic agency (workshop)
John Grzinich (EE) – on remoteness and telematic sharing possibilities to raise awareness of ecology (workshop)
Mantautas Krukauskas (LT) – on innovations of spatialised sound (workshop)
Derek Holzer (SE) – on speculative design of historically informed electronic instruments (workshop)

After the workshops participants will have one week to finalise their sound and radio art projects and submit them for a concert on PIXELACHE festival audio programme. Skilled jury will decide upon the selection of best works and award 200 EURO GRANT FOR 10 BEST AUDIO PIECES.


May 21 16.00 – 19.00 Helsinki time zone
Lectures and demonstrations of artists-researchers exploring sonic ecology, sustainability and
mental health in sound art:
- Maija Demitere “Slow Media Art – Sustainable Sound Installation”
- Krista Dintere “Extending Time”
- Ieva Vīksne “Healing depression using realtime mental activity driven audio meditation"
- Short presentations which rise the research questions worked upon during skill-sharing
workshops on the next day.
- Online discussion on “Sound Art for Mental Ecology” moderated by Laura Gustafsson, and presentation about PIXELACHE festival BURN___ audio programme

May 22 11:00 – 18.00 Helsinki time zone [with breaks]
Online Skill-sharing sessions (2-3h each)
- Jacob Remin “To Soothe the Body Electric”
- John Grzinich “Sensing a Site: telematic sound”
- Mantautas Krukauskas “Artistic diffusion of sound in space”
- Derek Holzer “Sounds of Futures Past”
- Collaborative online sound art improvisation

May 23rd – May 30th
Remote joint and individual work on sound and radio art projects

May 31st – June 1st
Jury decision on 10 young artist pieces for Pixelache festival programme

June 6th – June 13th
Sound and Radio art programme playback during PIXELACHE festival
Scheduled joint online listening sessions for a shared public sound art experience.

Burn_Slow is organised by media art centre ASTE. Art, Science, Technology, Innovation, based in Liepaja, Latvia, in close cooperation with art and activism festival PIXELACHE (Finland), Liepaja University Art Research Laboratory MPLab and media art schools from the Baltic and Nordic states. Project is supported by Nordic Culture Point / Nordic Council of Ministers.

More information:

All private data gathered via this inquiry will be used solely for the workshop and lecture communication purposes and not shared with third parties.

Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
メールアドレス *
Your motivation to participate in the project and chosen workshop *
Pick project activities you want to take part in *
Choose the workshop you want to attend *
Your experience in sound or radio art *
Your name *
Your age *
Your gender (information needed to organise balanced work groups)
What country are you from?
Your e-mail *
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