WebiFair on Saturday, 10 September 2022 @ 5:30pm-7:30pm IST
Please COMPLETE THIS FORM TO REGISTER. In advance of the WebiFair, you will receive an email with the link to login to the event. We'll also keep you updated about similar events in the future that will benefit you!

Find the event in your time zone here: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=India+WebiFair+-+www.india.webifairs.com&iso=20220910T1730&p1=44&ah=2
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First name *
Last name *
Email address *
Current school *
Current grade in high school (or, indicate if you are a counselor or a parent) *
City *
Country *
ABOUT YOU (optional)
This will help us match you with the best-fit programs and institutions!
Date of birth
Mobile number
This is your WhatsApp number! (Please include your country code.)
When do you plan to begin university?
(For students to answer.) Approximate.
Have you taken, or do you plan to take, the SAT/ACT/IELTS/TOEFL?
Hætta við val
Subjects/majors of interest
You can select multiple!
What is your preferred country/destination for college/university?
You may select multiple regions.
How did you hear about this WebiFair?
As there may not be enough time to visit all university rooms during the WebiFair, you can choose to have your contact details shared with all the universities at this event only. This will allow universities to send you additional information. Would you like your registered contact details to be shared with all participating universities? *
Important note: UnivAssist and WebiFairs follow the highest standards of data integrity and will not share your information without your consent. Sharing your data with all universities is optional. However, when you enter a university room of your choice, your contact information will become available to that particular university.
Please opt-in to allow us to text message/WhatsApp you to remind you about this event and similar events in the future. *
Click SUBMIT to register for the free WebiFair!
By completing this form, you will also help us to send you the right information about events and opportunities that are perfectly aligned with your higher education interests!
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