Zarkoff - Radionica: Tonska obrada snimki govora
Kada/When: Utorak i srijeda, 23. i 24. travnja 2024., 19:00-21:00h; Tuesday and Wednesday, 23rd and 24th April, 2024, 7-9pm
Gdje/Where: Radiona - Zagreb Makerspace, Nova cesta 186, Zagreb
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Napišite nam nekoliko rečenica (3-4 max) o sebi te navedite razloge prijave na radionicu // Write us a few sentences (3-4 max) about yourself and state the reasons for applying to the workshop
Dolaskom na radionicu potvđujem da sam/smo suglasna/suglasan/suglasni sa fotografiranjem i snimanjem radionice za potrebe dokumentacije // By coming to the workshop, I/We confirm that I/We agree  with being photographed and recorded during the workshop for the purposes of documentation.
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