Ghostbusters II
Post Movie Survey
Favorite ghost moment?
What song would you play to make the Statue of Liberty come to life?
The movie seemed to imply that Egon had sex with the slime. If you had the slime alone to yourself, what would you do?
The Ghostbusters defeated Vigo by harnessing the "good vibes" of New York City. If you had unlimited "good vibe" power, what real life problems would you solve?
Tanner thinks Slimer is the catalyst for the end of the Murry/Akroid/Reitman Ghostbuster movies, because it lead to the kidification of the franchise, requiring a PG rating, and preferring to sell toys over making a quality movie. Do you agree his theory?
Why do you think we never got another sequel?
Rate Ghostbusters II
Not Enough Slimer
Perfect amount of Slimer
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