VDL Supply Director Application
Thank you for wanting to step into a leadership role with VDL. We would not be able to run VDL without people like you who make it all possible. Thanks for your interest and we look forward to speaking with you!

The supply department is the backbone of VDL. As the Supply Director, you will be responsible for the inventory and logistics needed to support VDL in running the league and its events. The responsibilities of the Supply Director include: Planning Ball Swaps, keeping an eye on inventory (balls, shirts, tape, ice packs, etc), coordinating transportation of supplies to Playoffs and Tournaments. You and your team will be there to support the other departments with all their supply needs.
Email *
Full Name *
Phone Number *
Preferred Email Address *
Night(s) and Team(s) you currently play on *
How long have you played with VDL or any of its related leagues?  *
Educational Background *
Occupation *
Have you ever applied to or volunteered with VDL before? *
If yes, what role did you apply to or fulfill?
If yes, how many seasons did you exec for (if any)?
Do you have any previous experience as a director? If so, how long and what was the position?
What can you contribute to the role of the supply director? (Provide examples of your strengths) *
What experience do you have in a leadership role where you are required to manage people? If none, explain how you would go about it *
What are some challenges you expect to struggle with as the supply director? *
What qualities do you consider most valuable for the supply director? *
Aside from regular department meetings, a Director is also expected to attend other VDL meetings and events. Please check all that you will make an effort to attend to
The Supplies department is essential to running the league. Please check off the following to acknowledge some of these requirements:
I understand that I will have to attend the regular director meetings where we discuss operation of the league
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What are some good things the supplies department is doing this season?
What changes or improvements would you make in the next two seasons?
How would you want to learn and grow in your own goals with the help of VDL's community?
Will you be available to help conduct interviews between seasons? *
I acknowledge and understand that by applying to this role, I am confirming my commitment and availability to volunteer with VDL for minimum of two years *
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