2021-2022 ASB Application - Fall
Selections for MMS Leadership will be based on your application score and teacher recommendation scores.  Space is limited.  *Hint: In an application, you want to prove that you are the BEST candidate - be descriptive of yourself!  ***DUE DATE: Wednesday, May 25, 2022**

NOTE:  Being a part of a club this year does not mean that you will automatically be a part of the club the next year.  The selection process is a year-by-year process where all returning members are required to reapply.
Email *
Good grades are very important for student leadership.  Please understand that grades will be checked. Your "Overall Achievement" in each subject of school must be above 70%.
What is your first name? *
What is your last name? *
What school do you go to now? *
MMS Leadership, expectations- Please check all 5 boxes to indicate you understand the expectations.  I agree to: *
How do you feel about this current school year?  How is 5th grade going for you? *
Challenge brings opportunity.  What is something positive you can identify from living through the pandemic? *
Are you interested in ASB being your ELECTIVE CLASS?  This would be a YES unless you plan to be in AVID, Band or Orchestra. *
If we talked to your 4th and 5th grade teachers, what would they say about you? *
List all activities you are involved with in and outside of school (start with the most current).  For example, music, sports, dance, school involvement, etc..)   *Please answer this using a lot of detail. *
What is your favorite thing about school? *
Describe why you would like to be a Leadership Representative at MMS.   *
What is one way you can help students connect with other fellow students at school? *
What are your strengths and why do they suit you for a leadership position?   *
What is one thing you have struggled with and how did you overcome it? *
THANK YOU for applying!  You will hear back from us soon about next steps... there is more to the application process than just this form.  We are excited for you!  =)
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