Register for Book Babies (0-18 months)  Friday, May 24th@ 10:15am
Please fill out one registration for each child attending. O'Fallon Public Library card holders will be enrolled first and others as space is available.  Consider yourself enrolled unless you receive an email that states the class has reached capacity.
Чтобы сохранить изменения, войдите в аккаунт Google. Подробнее…
First and Last Name of Child *
First and Last Name of Parent or Caregiver *
Age of child(Your child must be between 0 and 18 months) *
Email address or telephone number (if no email) *
O'Fallon Public Library card holder? *
O'Fallon Public Library card Number *
Answer "NA" if you do not have an O'fallon Library card
Consider yourself enrolled for class unless you receive an email stating otherwise!
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