5MOYD Sentence Submission Form
Submit 5MOYD sentences.
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Sentence. English, please, or provide a translation. Please only submit 1) sentences from academic sources or 2) funny quotes from funny people. Please do not submit stupid quotes from celebrities or TV or whatever. When in doubt, do not submit it.
Source. If quote, person; if paper, link or send PDF to maru.the.mareck on Discord or u/mareck_ on Reddit (note: I do not use the Reddit "chat" feature. DM me.). Kindly provide page number, also.

The astute reader will note that it is, in fact, the intention that one sends me a (link to a) PDF after "never having DM'd [me] before" (unless, of course, you have DM'd me before), as is implied by the directions given. Thank you!
Additional comments. Space for any additional information about one's submitted sentence and/or to criticize this form and/or its creator. Will probably be ignored.
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