Chai Or Qisse Presents Open Mic

Do you write poetry / story / rap ? Are you finding a platform for showing your skills ? Than welcome to our forum Midnight Owl Films Presents "Chai Or Qisse" Open mic. if you want to perform you can fill the form and we will give you a chance of Performing live on stage. So hurry up, What are you waiting for?

Go ahead and fill the form below and submit it but before filling the form here are some Rules & Regulations that you have to follow. Read them below.

Terms & Conditions :-

(1) One a person can fill only one form. Avoid filling more than one form.
(2) We can cancel/disqualify any performance at any time without giving any reason.
(3) Each performer will get only 2-5 minutes to perform. so you have to finish your set with in 5 minutes.
(4) We want to put your performance, your talent in front of the public. Video recording will be done for this. So you gave us full authority to post your video/photo on all our social media channels and the video will only be published on our valid youtube channel.
(5) No one can/will misbehave with any of the team members / audience / other performers, otherwise strict actions will be taken against you.
(6) Video recording / Photography will be prohibited by you / your family / your friends or by any audience.
(7) A Small registration fees of Rs.200 will be charged by us that has to be paid in advance for confirmation of your registration. Registration fees will be Non-Refundable.
(8) After paying the fees our team will send you a confirmation message or mail on your registered Mobile no. with all the further details of the Date, Time, Venue etc.

Note :- You can pay the registration fee through Paytm or google pay on this no. +91 8872229907
(Please do mention your full name in payment description)

If you are agree to all the terms & conditions than go ahead fill the form. Best of luck.
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What will you Perform ? *
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Job/Occupation *
Address *
Are you a regular Performer ? *
Give the link of Previous video/Performance
I declare that all information is right *
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