January PSA Challenge- RESULTS
So you've tracked your spending for all of January (or close enough), and now you've done the work to prorate your other expenses, come up with a "core spend" figure, and add back all your income from various sources.

Well done!

Not many people take the time to gain this level of insight into their own spending.

Now, I'm hoping to crowdsource the power of Merkado Barkada's readership to learn what YOU learned from doing this, so that our shared insights might become shared lessons. Then, when we do this again halfway through the year, we can compare data and see how we've improved across an number of different metrics.

P10,000 in PRIZES:
1 x P2000 Grab Food Voucher
5 x P1000 Grab Food Voucher
15 x P200 Grab Food Voucher

To be eligible for the prizes, just leave your email address at the bottom of the survey. All responses are confidential, and I will only use the name you leave to identify the winners of the draw in an upcoming episode of MB.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Did you use any apps that were helpful to track your spending? *
Only suggest apps that you'd recommend to your friends. Don't just write whatever you used, if you didn't like it or wouldn't be able to recommend it to another person.
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