Fall Camporee
We will be attending our first Washington, DC District Camporee the weekend of October 15-17! It is being put on by the local Order of the Arrow chapter (so it's youth-run), and will feature activities such as canoeing, building catapults, firebuilding, and orienteering. Other troops from DC will also be present, and there will be some competition involved, along the lines of what we experienced at the Klondike Derby (but less intense).

Scouts will arrive Friday evening, set up camp, and eat dinner that they bring with them.

All other meals will be provided.

The campout will end at 10:00 am on Sunday.

The campout is taking place at King's Landing Park in Huntingtown, MD (https://www.calvertcountymd.gov/kingslandingpark)

The cost for this campout is $40 per Scout, which includes the camporee registration fee, all meals Saturday, and breakfast on Sunday. As always, please let us know if this cost presents a hardship for your family so we can make an appropriate arrangement.

Note that the assumption is that parents will be transporting their own Scouts to this event, or will make arrangements for carpooling directly with other families. Please reach out if you need assistance making a connection with a potentially compatible carpool partner.
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Which Scout or Scouts is this form in reference to? *
Does this Scout (or Scouts) plan to participate in the campout? *
Are there any adults from your family who plan to come on the campout? If so, who? (Youth Protection Training, available online, is required.)
At what times could your Scout arrive on Friday evening? Note that we will be planning to arrive at the same time, so we will choose an arrival time for the group based on people's responses to this question. More details on this will be forthcoming.
Is there any equipment the Scout needs to borrow? Don't worry, we probably have it! It's there to be borrowed! :)
Are there any food restrictions we should know about?
Do you have any additional comments or questions?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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