The Modern Dog Trainer Programs Waitlist
We're delighted that you're interested in elevating your dog training business with Ines.  This Priority Access Application is designed to help us identify professional dog trainers who are not just passionate but also align with our core values and methodologies.

We'll use the information you provide to ensure that our services are a perfect match for your needs and aspirations.

Things to Keep in Mind:

Professionalism: We're looking for dog trainers who are committed to their craft and are open to learning and growing.
Methodology: We value expertise in Positive Reinforcement-Based Methods. Make sure to highlight your experience in this area.
Ambition & Commitment: Tell us about your goals. Are you looking to scale your business, or perhaps you're seeking more effective marketing strategies?
Entrepreneurial Mindset: We love working with individuals who are not just dog trainers but also budding entrepreneurs.
It's a Two-Way Street: This application is as much for you as it is for us. It's an opportunity for you to reflect on your business goals and challenges.

Please take your time to fill out the application as accurately as possible. Your responses will help us tailor our services to meet your specific needs, ensuring that you get the most out of your relationship with The Modern Dog Trainer.

Once you complete the application, we’ll reach out via email with next steps.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First and Last Name *
Years of Experience in Dog Training
Indicate how many years you have been professionally involved in dog training. This will help us understand your level of expertise in the field.
List any certifications or qualifications you have in dog training, animal behavior, or related fields. This will give us an idea of your commitment to professional development.
Your Goals *
Tell me about your goals for your business, wealth, and life. What do you want to accomplish in the next 3 to 5 years?
Referral Source
Let us know how you heard about this waitlist or The Modern Dog Trainer
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