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Join "The Club"
We are excited to offer a
new and improved
aftercare program intended to complement our Montessori curriculum and provide students with additional opportunities of discovery.
The Club is open every Monday-Thursday from 3-5 pm
Full-time: $400/month
Part-time: $150/month per activity
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to save your progress.
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* Indicates required question
Your Name:
Your answer
Your Email address:
Your answer
Your Children's Name:
Your answer
What days would you like your child to attend The Club? Select all that apply:
Mondays: Art Expressions with Morah Farhana
Tuesdays: Movement with My Gym
Wednesdays: Rhythm Music and Movement with Rockstarts | String practice with Morah Cornelia
Thursdays: Baking in Hebrew with Morah Liraz and Morah Racheli
Please charge my FACTS account for The Club monthly
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