OCA PickITup Release Form
OCA-East Bay (www.ocaeastbay.org)'s PickITup has been a monthly cleanup program to promote civic participation and community ownership through clearing hundreds of pounds of boba cups, cigarette butts, other trash and illegal dumping out of the Oakland Chinatown community.

We took a break because of COVID-19 but are reviving the program based on an overwhelming need and at least at moments to provide more eyes on the street. We are NOT expecting this group to be an official security or peacekeeping force and expecting you to physically or emotional intervene in a conflict, but we believe the extra foot traffic could help deter some of the tragic incidents that have happened in isolated parts of the neighborhood.

With however many people we have, we will deploy strength in numbers and won't deploy anyone out by themselves.

Questions? Email ocaeastbay@gmail.com  

RSVP on this Eventbrite: RSVP for our different days

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Name *
Phone *
Group Affiliation (if representing on behalf of a group)
Date of Birth *
Emergency Contact Name *
Emergency Contact Phone *
Emergency Contact Relation *
Emergency Contact Relation *
I am voluntarily participating in OCA-East Bay's PickITup Program. I acknowledge my participation in these events does not come without the risk of  injury or harm; I accept this risk, and assume responsibility for all liability and risk associated with my participation. I agree to hold harmless, release, waive and forever discharge OCA-East Bay and its Board of Directors, from any and all claims or demands I may have by reason of any accident, illness, injury, loss, destruction or damage  to property, arising or resulting directly or indirectly from my participation in this activity. I further covenant not to bring any legal action against the
OCA-East Bay and its Board of Directors, for any injury, loss or damage resulting from my participation in this activity. This Waiver and Release is contractual and not a mere recital and  applies whether or not injury or loss resulting from this activity is caused by an act or omission of OCA. This  Waiver and Release is binding on my heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, and all of my family members, and applies to all losses, whether known or unknown, suspected or  unsuspected, related to my participation in this activity. I hereby grant permission to OCA-East Bay to use photographs and video of me taken during this activity on its website  and in other publications, at the City’s sole discretion and without further consideration. This Waiver and Release was executed on the above date at Oakland, California and is valid  for a 12 month period from the date of signing.
If you agree please sign using back slash and your name (e.g. "/MikeLok") or parent's name if under 18. *
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