Cove City Building Reservation
Thank you for your interest in Cove City Church. We love that our building can be a blessing to so many people. We want to make sure that our building is a clean and welcoming space for your event and for the events to follow.
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E-mail *
Phone Number  *
Name *
Date  *
Time Needed (total hours including set-up/tear down) *
Type of event
Location you wish to rent (sanctuary, lobby area, kids room) *
What specific equipment belonging to Cove do you request to use (keyboard, drums, coffee maker, projector screen, etc.)? We’ll confirm whether or not your requested items are available prior to your event. *
What items / equipment of yours will you be bringing for your event: *

If you’re using our sound equipment, you must have someone associated with your event who has been trained by one of our sound technicians. If not, you can hire one of our sound technicians for the duration of your event at the rate of $50 per hour.

Who will be responsible for running the sound board, or are you hiring one of our sound technicians?

Do you need any of our team members to be present at your event (to help with setup, run slides on the projector, etc.) There is a $25/hr charge
Will you take responsibility for setting up before and cleaning up after your event, or are you hiring our team to set up before and clean up after your event? There is a $30/hr cleaning charge if you would like us to do it.
Will you need to use our coffee, tea and paper products? There is a $30 charge. 
If you have selected any services that someone needs to present for, you will receive a Quickbooks invoice before the event. The invoice will need be paid in full before the event. Any questions? 
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