Venango Borough Planning Questionnaire
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Email *
Name (optional)
Physical Address (requested to validate results.  Will not be released publicly) *
Age *
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Workforce Status (choose most appropriate response) *
How do you affiliate with Venango Borough? (best answer)

Household (Check all that apply)
Students - Kindergarten through grade 12 in your household   (Check all that apply)
Please choose the response that best reflects your opinion on each of the following statements.
Strongly Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Somewhat Agree
Strongly Agree
No Opinion/Not Applicable
I want to continue living in Venango Borough.
I like Venango Borough just the way it is.
Our community offers what I need to live well.
I feel connected to my neighbors and/or community.
Venango Borough is a great place to raise children.
If I lost my current job, I'm confident that I wouldn't have to relocate my household to make a living.
My home is suitable for my future needs.
I wish to remain living in my current home into my elderly years (not move to a retirement home / community).
I believe my current home is suitable for seniors (easy access and maintenance).
I would engage more often in outdoor recreation if more opportunities existed.
Venango offers great outdoor recreation opportunities utilizing its natural surroundings.
Our borough works to accommodate and promote local businesses.
I feel safe in Venango Borough.
The overall quality of life in Venango Borough is improving.
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What type of additional businesses / services would you like to see in Venango Borough? (Check all that apply)
Please rate your satisfaction to effectively and affordably access the following goods/services in or near our community:
Very Dissatisfied
Somewhat Disatisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Satisfied
No opinion
Clean water
Septic / sewage
Telephone (traditional landline or digital)
Cellular service
Internet / high-speed data
Affordable/reliable electricity
Heating and air conditioning ( natural gas, propane, fuel oil, wood, other)
Educational support services, tutoring
Adult learning, skills training
Routine medical care
Emergency medical care
Fire/EMS/ambulance services
In-home / senior / assisted living care
Police and protective services
Food, groceries, essential household items
Restaurants, bar
Mail and parcel delivery
Employment opportunities
Landscaping / lawn services / snow removal
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What are the three most important items on which the Borough should focus their attention?  (please select up to 3 boxes)
From the list below,  What are the 3 most critical quality of life concerns impacting borough residents (please select up to 3 boxes)
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