29/10 - 7° ANO A -Língua Inglesa - Professora Gabriela. Entrega 03.11
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Nome Completo *
What’s the next number?
a. three, six, nine, _________________________ *
b. nineteen, sixteen, thirteen, _______________________ *
c. five, seven, nine, ___________________________ *
d. one, three, six, ten, _____________________ *
e. two, five, nine, fourteen, ______________________ *
f. four, eight, twelve, ______________________ *
Numerais ordinais em inglês de 1 a 10.
Primeiro = First
Segundo = Second
Terceiro = Third
Quarto = Fourth
Quinto = Fifth
Sexto = Sixth
Sétimo = Seventh
Oitavo = Eighth
Nono = Ninth
Décimo = Tenth
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