Help us test Auction Land!
Auction Land! is about auctioning land. Different landscapes score in different ways. Make lines of 4 for bonus tiles, build the most welcoming island, and compete to have the most peace, love and music.

already a great game!

But we'd like it to be even better.

Bez and Doruk are collaborating on this game. Luckily, Doruk is a proficient videogame developer and was able to create a wonderful BGA adaptation for us!

In a possibly-unprecedented move, we are using BGA for A/B testing.

Play. Have fun. Help us make the game the best it can be.

Your opinions will be heard and considered.

We will present multiple options for you to try and ask your opinion on. Some of the options will even be presented RANDOMLY to avoid too much bias. Sometimes we just want to know what is more intuitive. Sometimes we want to know how it feels after a few games, or at different player counts.

Our plan:

 - work on the BGA implementation, addressing any issues
 - make more probably-not-final-yet graphics
 - add BGA options for true A/B testing
 - invite more people to join us in testing this game!

We are asking you to be part of this community. To be excellent to each other. To give us feedback.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Screenshot of BGA version (graphics in progress)
What is your BGA username?
What should we call you?
(optional) Email for major updates:
Are you happy for us to invite you to games with folk you will hopefully like?
Are you happy starting new games on BGA that any other alpha-tester can join? (note: we do screen everyone and try to make sure everyone is awesome)
Are you interested in making new friends on BGA?
Would you tell us about any problematic players (being rude or trolling via gameplay)?
(optional) How long do you enjoy playing a single game for?
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(optional) How much do you feel about these types of games?
I avoid them
sometimes avoid
actively enjoy
Auctions in games
Tile placement
Set collection
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(optional) What kind of gamer are you?
(optional) Write a short introduction for yourself you'd like us to share with other BGA testers.
(optional) What can we do to make you more comfortable?

E.g. Would you like your first few games to be with one of us? Would you like someone else to be added so you can play with them, or is there anyone/anything you'd like to avoid?
(optional) Is there anything else you would like to tell us (Bez/Doruk)? This can be kept confidential.
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