2024 Panther Penalty Shootout Registration
When: Sunday, October 6 10AM-12PM

Where: Weathersfield School
135 Schoolhouse Rd, Ascutney, VT 05030

Who: Open to students in Weathersfield (and surrounding communities) grades 3-8

Registration Fee: $10.00 ($15 day of event)
> Venmo: Weathersfieldbooster
> Weathersfield students may send cash/check with students to Carrie Jewell in the school office
Checks should be made payable to: Weathersfield Booster Club.
> Pay with cash/check the day of the event ($15)

Details: Registrants will compete in a grid goal contest consisting of a full-size goal sectioned off with different points sections. Winners in each age group will receive a free t-shirt. Check out the Booster Booth for goodies.

Contact: Weathersfield Booster Club: weathersfieldbooster@gmail.com
President: Bill Gokey Jr, Vice President: Shane Tansey, Treasurer: Jess Brown, Secretary: Casey Dillingham, Athletic Director: Carrie Jewell

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I WILLINGLY AND VOLUNTARILY ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS. I HEARBY RELEASE, DISCHARGE AND AGREE TO HOLD HARMLESS, to the fullest extent permitted by law Weathersfield School, Weathersfield Booster Club and any agents, employees, officers and directors of said persons or entities ("RELEASEES") from any and all claims, demands, costs, expenses and compensation arising out of or in any way related to an injury or other damage that may result to said participate or to members of my family or my household or individuals I invite for whom I am otherwise responsible while participating in or present at any of the EVENTS, WHETHER ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE.
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