Hands-on Crafting App for Mental Health - Survey
We are a team of 5 undergraduate students at UW from HCDE, Industrial Design, and CS looking to do research for a Design Project! Our app idea is aimed at making hands-on crafts/activities more accessible and stress-free as a way to support mental health. This survey (19 questions) is designed to get a better idea of what people are looking for in such an app. Responses are anonymous -- We appreciate you taking the time to fill this out!

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to Selena Liu (yingle@uw.edu) or Annie Huang (annieh04@uw.edu).
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What is your age range? *
What's your current career status? *
How often do you find yourself doomscrolling (mindlessly consuming content)? *
In the past 6 months, to what degree have you felt burnout or creative block? *
Least Severe
Most Severe
Optional: What was the source/cause of your burnout or creative block?
When you feel stressed or creatively blocked, which of the following do you typically do to cope? (Check all that apply) *
What’s your creative background? *
Do you find that creative activities help improve your mental health or alleviate stress? *
How much do you typically spend purchasing materials on crafts you do (per craft)?  *
What mental health benefits do you associate with crafting? (Check all that apply) *
Optional: Elaborate on your previous answer
What deters you from crafting? *
Research shows that:
“Crafting served as a “life-saver” among study participants. It created a distraction from COVID-19; it helped participants to stay busy; it contributed to positive feelings; and provided a means of connecting with other crafters and supporting others.”

““A sense of mastery is important for wellbeing, and there is inherently a sense of mastery associated with crafting and creating art; that is, people can see their progress and be proud of what they are producing.” (https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/15/health/arts-and-crafts-increase-mental-health-wellness/index.html)
How likely are you to use an app that provides easy-to-start craft ideas? *
Not at all likely
Very likely
Which of these creative areas interest you? *
How likely are you to purchase craft materials if provided alongside craft ideas?
Not at all likely
Very likely
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How much would you be willing to spend on a subscription service per month that includes craft ideas and kits, art tutorials, community aspects etc? *
How important is it for you that the app has a social/community aspect, such as sharing your crafts or collaborating with others? *
What would you want to see in a social/community page on such an app? *
What would make you stick with a crafting app over time? *
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