MCC Sunday School High School/College Teacher Assistant Application Form.
Requirements for High School TA position:
1. Students have to be a High School junior or above.
2..This is a full-time commitment, every Sunday.  
3. Students' hours count towards their personal HS/College requirements/ community service only,  it does not count towards the mandatory 15 hours required by parents at MCCSS.

Inicia la sessió a Google per desar el teu progrés. Més informació
Name ( Last/ First)
Address ( Street Address/ City/ State/ Zip Code).
Phone Number ( Home/ Cell)
Parents' Information( Name/ Phone Number/ email)
Education ( Grade in High School )
Have you volunteered with MCC Sunday School before?
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Preference of Subject for teaching Quranic/  Islamic.
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What personal qualities do you possess that you believe make you a suitable candidate for this role?
How will you inspire the students to be good Muslims?
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Aquest formulari s'ha creat dins del domini MCC East Bay. Informa d'un ús abusiu