Istanbul Solana Hackathon Buildstation

We have come with a great opportunity for our friends who reside in Istanbul.

We invite you to the Istanbul Solana Buildstation, where we will prepare you for Solana Hackathons and assist you in your Solana Practicum project. You will also be able to find teammates and have shared working spaces.

Plus, we will also provide mentorship support for your projects πŸš€ Note: The program covers the months of January, February and March!

You can answer the questions in Turkish if you want :) πŸ“ Istanbul Levent Kolektif House //Β 24/7 open

Login ke Google untuk menyimpan progres. Pelajari lebih lanjut
Name - surname *
E-mail address *
Phone number *
Which city do you reside? *
Do you have a project idea? *
Do you want to come to Istanbul Solana Buildstation and regularly develop your project here?
The program covers the months of January, February and March
In which months can you actively participate in the program?
Wajib diisi
How many days a week can you come to co-working areas in Istanbul? *
During the weekday, at what times are you available to participate?
Wajib diisi
During the weekend, at what times are you available to participate?
Wajib diisi
If you have something to add, you can share it with us here 🎈
Our Solana Hackathon Build Station will be in Levent Kolektif House and you will be able to work here 24/7 every day of the week. πŸ’ƒ
NOTE:Β After filling out the form, we will be forwarding your name to Kolektif House. You don't need to do anything else :)
Do we have the consent to use your data?
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Jangan pernah mengirimkan sandi melalui Google Formulir.
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