Pop-up Spa Survey - After the spa
Hello! My name is Sarah Foo. I go to Hope and I am in year 12. I am working with Daughters of Cambodia on this pop-up spa for my Business IA. I would greatly appreciate your responses. Please be informed that I will include these responses in my IA and share them with Daughters of Cambodia. Please be completely honest. Thank you so much again!
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How often do you get your nails done?
Once a week
Twice a month
Once a month
Once every two months
Less than once every two months
How often do you get your nails done?
Once a week
Twice a month
Once a month
Once every two months
Less than once every two months
How often do you get massages?
Once a week
Twice a month
Once a month
Once every two months
Less than once every two months
Head and Face
Neck and Shoulder
Foot Massage
How satisfied are you with the end result of your Mani/Pedi?
Not at all
Very satisfied
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What do you think about the price of the Mani/Pedi?
Very low
Very high
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How do the prices of the Mani/Pedi/Massages compare to competitors/other spas? Daughter of Cambodia prices are...
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Is there anything that can be improved? If yes, please state in the space below.
Should Daughters of Cambodia offer other services at future pop-up spas? If yes, please state the services you would like to see at future pop-up spas.
Are you satisfied with the range of products that are offered here?
Not at all
Very Satisfied
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How do the prices of the products compare to competitors/other spas? Daughter of Cambodia prices are...
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Should Daughters of Cambodia offer other products at future pop-up spas? If yes, please state the products you would like to see at future pop-up spas.
Are you satisfied with the snacks and drinks that are offered here?
Not at all
Very Satisfied
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Should Daughters of Cambodia offer other snacks and drinks at future pop-up spas? If yes, please state the snacks and drinks you would like to see at future pop-up spas.
How did you know about this pop-up spa?
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How far did it take you to drive from your house/where you were to this location?
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How far are you willing to travel to the pop-up spa from your house?
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In which district do you live in? Name a landmark close to your house if you don't know the name of the district.
How much does Covid play a role in whether you attend a future pop-up spa, if it does at all?
Not at all affected
Very much affected
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Would having this spa at the shop in Tuol Tompung affect whether you attend it at all?
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Do you have any feedbacks for Daughters of Cambodia?
Last but not least, would you be interested in coming to another pop-up Spa? Please be completely honest.
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