Children's Circle Waitlist Form
If you wish to be added to our waitlist, please complete this form. It should take 0-3 minutes and you will be provided with email confirmation. If you are adding multiple children to our list please fill multiple forms with the same parent contact. There is a notes box at the end for any additional comments you may want to share with us.

Please note that we only offer full-time care as of September 2022. In recognition of the strong partnership between our Society and Interior Health, we offer priority placement for IHA employees.
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Email *
Child's First Name *
Child's Last Name *
Gender *
First Name of Parent/Guardian *
Last Name of Parent/Guardian *
Phone Number of Parent Guardian *
Are you adding a child that is not born yet to the waitlist? *
Your child's birthday or projected due date if pregnant *
Children's Circle only offers full-time spaces, are you aware of this?
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What date do you require care? *
What category(ies) of care are you interested in wait-listing for ? *
For families interested in our school-aged program, please note that we only provide walking pick up from Lloyd George Elementary and Kamloops School of the Arts. Please let us know which school your child will be attending? *** please note that we are no longer accepting waitlist applications for school-aged care***
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Do you currently have a child attending Children's Circle?
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Please let us know if any of the following categories apply to either parent. (proof will be required) *
Additional comments:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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