Save a horse, "write" a cowgirl - Analysing feminist films using the Male Gaze

This questionnaire is for a Year 12 Person Interest Project (PIP) Assessment Task. The purpose of this questionnaire is to study how the usage of the male gaze has impacted society, and film, increasing the passivity of female characters and the reasons why women are objectified in films. All responses will remain anonymous and no responses will be used other than for the research of this topic. 

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1. What word or phrase comes to mind when you hear the word feminist film? (eg: "equality, anti-men, empowerment" etc)

Definition of Feminism:
the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes. 
2.  Do you consider yourself to be a strong feminist, a feminist, not a feminist or an anti-feminist?
3. Which country do you currently reside in (or have lived in the past, please provide dates) *
4. Which generation are you a part of? *
5. Based off the provided definition of the Male Gaze, what is your interpretation of it?

Male Gaze:

A Woman's visual appearance is what matters most to an active audience member, this is typically associated with sexualising the female body. Examples of this include the camera position framing images of women according to what is most appealing or sexually stimulating for a male audience. These films which encompass the male gaze are shot from a male perspective, for a male audience. A woman on screen typically functions as the primary erotic object for both screen characters and audience members. 

6. With this definition, can you list any movies that have used this gaze to objectify women? (such as Suicide Squad, Transformers, Star Wars, Kill Bill etc)

7. From the previous answers, can you provide an example of a specific scene where the male gaze was used? *

8. Are there any movies where you believe the male gaze has not been used? - Some feminist films do use the male gaze for profit! 

9. Are there any actresses you can think of that have been objectified and sexualised by the media? *

10. Do you believe the male gaze is beneficial to the success of a film or not? - eg, without the objectification of women, would the film still be an interesting one?


11. Can you think of any consequences of the male gaze on women?

12. Why would the male gaze remain unchanging in film? Why is it still incorporated? Provide a reason for your response *
13. Do you believe the male gaze increases the passivity of female characters? For example, female characters having little personality or actual importance to the plot, or useless dialogue? Provide a reason for your response *
14. Do you agree with the following statement

"Cinema is ruled by the asymmetry of gender power, which is fabricated for the enjoyment of male viewers, and is firmly founded in patriarchal ideals and discourses" (Laura Mulvey, 1975)
15. Continuing from the previous question, provide a reason for Yes or No *
16. According to to The Thomson Reuters Foundation, nearly a third of powerful female characters were shown wearing revealing clothing compared to less than 10% of similar male characters. 

The same foundation interviewed Geena Davis ("Thelma and Louise"), who said, "Girls need to see themselves reflected on screen and to see positive and authentic characters that can inspire them". 

From this statistic and quote, has this changed your perception of the male gaze? provide a reason why it has or hasn't 

17. Have you ever felt pressured by societal standards to conform to a certain image or appearance based on the portrayal of women in the media? If yes, please elaborate.

18. Do you believe that women and girls of different cultures and ethnicities are sexualised not just by their own culture but by Western culture? Which cultures and why? *
19. What gender do you identify as? *
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