Discord Moderator Application
Please fill out the form accurately, to the best of your ability, and please use proper structure and grammar. Applications that do not adhere to these will not be considered.
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Discord Username *
Age *
What time of the day are you typically active on the server?  *
Why do you want to be a discord moderator? *
What is your level of experience with moderation? Please explain. *
What do you feel that you would bring to the moderation team? *
If someone is spamming a lot, what action would you take? *
If someone is exemplifying malicious, toxic, and discriminatory behavior, what action would you take? *
If NFSW content is posted on the server, what action would you take? *
If a user is self-promoting, what action would you take? *
If you see that a convo has become political, what would you do? *
If illegal content such as pirated material (NSP or XCI Files) are being shared on the server, what action would you take? *
Do you acknowledge that if you abuse your powers, you will be demoted? *
Do you acknowledge that if you are being disrespectful to either other staff members or server members, you will be at the risk of being demoted? *
Is there anything else you would like to add that you think would make you a suitable moderator for the Official r/PokeLeaks discord server?
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