Paradise Travel Cruise Inquiry Form
Thank you for reaching out to Paradise Travel! To get started planning your amazing Cruise vacation,  please read the below and then fill out this form to give me an idea of where you want to go, and what you want to experience on this trip.

Based on these answers, I can can follow up via email or with a phone call to make sure I understand your needs for this trip.

Then I will send you a proposal via email that includes multiple options for your trip, well-researched, and customized for you.

We can edit the trip to make it perfect, with the expectation that if you book the trip, you will do so with me as your agent. I do not charge a fee for my services, I get paid by the vendors we book through with no added cost to you!

After booking, I service your reservation from start to finish making sure everything goes smoothly until you return home a happy traveler!

I look forward to working with you!

Harmony Skillman - Paradise Travel
631-796-4278 (cell)
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Full Name *
Email Address *
Do you need flights and if so, what is your preferred departure city? *
How many adults and how many children (provide ages if under 18) will be traveling? How many staterooms do you need? PLEASE NOTE: WOMAN 24+ WEEKS PREGNANT CANNOT SAIL *
Have you cruised before? *
Do you have a line or ship preference?
When do you want to cruise? *
Do you have a departure port preference?
Do you have a cruise length preference?
What destinations would you like to visit?
What type of room  do you prefer? (check all that apply)
Preferred Stateroom Location (select all that apply)
Dining Preference
Does anyone require special accommodations? Wheelchair, etc. or have dietary restrictions?
Do you want a pre-night hotel stay (strongly recommended) or a post-night hotel stay?
Do you want transfers priced?
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What is your purpose for taking this trip?
What is something that has stuck out for you about a previous vacation, good or bad?
What is an approximate budget for this vacation?
What else would you like me to know to help plan this vacation?
Many thanks. I look forward to working with you. I will be in touch shortly.    COVID 19 Travel Advisory    As travel opens up around the world, all destinations, airports, air carriers, hotels, restaurants, transfer companies, car rental companies, shops and excursions have established COVID-19 safety measures and precautions which may change from day to day. These safety measures may include but are not limited to curfews, attraction closings and reduced hours, size of group gatherings, social distancing requirements, health screenings and self-quarantine requirements. In addition, you must follow CDC guidelines and the recommendations of health officials. Please note that any public location where people have been or are present provides an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19  Paradise Travel cannot guarantee that you will not be exposed during your vacation. By traveling, you agree that you assume these inherent risks associated with your vacation. Any and all additional costs will be your sole responsibility.Paradise Travel is not responsible for any negligent or willful act, omission, or failure to act on the part of any such entity or its employees, or of any other third party beyond its direct control.
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